Tuesday 23 April 2013

Yii Syntax

Getting errors

$errores = $model->getErrors();

Set Flash Message

Yii::app()->user->setFlash("success", "Thanks for Vendor Regisration.!");
foreach (Yii::app()->user->getFlashes() as $key => $message) {
    echo '<div class="flash-' . $key . '">' . $message . "</div>\n";


 $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
   'id' => 'create_message',
   'enableAjaxValidation' => false,
   'action' => CController::createUrl('messages/createmessage?id='.$id),
   'enableClientValidation' => true,
   'clientOptions' => array(
     'validateOnSubmit' => true,
   //        'validateOnChange'=>true,
   //        'validateOnType'=>false,
 <?php $this->endWidget(); ?>

Submit Button

<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Cancel'); ?>
Javascript function call from the begin widget after the validation of Yii

 $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
   'id' => 'venue-liquor-form',
   'action' => 'addliquor?vid=' . $vid,
   'enableAjaxValidation' => false,
   'enableClientValidation' => true,
   'clientOptions' => array(
     'validateOnSubmit' => true,
     'afterValidate' => 'js:checkErrors'
   'stateful' => false,
   'htmlOptions' => array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'),
 <?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
 // javascript function
 function checkErrors(form, data, hasError) {
Ajax Call in Javascript

  type: 'GET',
  url: '<?php echo CController::createUrl('messages/AjaxMessage'); ?>',
  asyc: false,
  data: {'c': c},
  success: function(data) {
  beforeSend: function() {
  complete: function() {

Ajax call in view file (in PHP tag)

 echo CHtml::ajaxlink('Show All', array('artist/statusactive'), array(
  "type" => "GET",
  "data" => array("type" => '-1', "vid" => $vid, 'value'=>'js:jQuery("#search_value").val()'),
  "success" => "function(data){
        var value=jQuery('#search_value').val();
  "beforeSend" => "function(){ jQuery('.manage_floor').addClass('loading');   }",
  "complete" => "function(){ jQuery('.manage_floor').removeClass('loading'); }",
   ), array('live' => false, 'class' => 'blue', 'id' => rand(0, 99999)));

Radio Button in Ajax

<?php echo $form->radioButtonList($model, 'changed_by', array(0=>'Events',1=>'Time'),
 array('separator'=>'', 'labelOptions'=>array('style'=>'display:inline'), "async"=>false,
 'onclick' =>CHtml::ajax(array("type"=>"GET",
 "complete"=>"function() {  $('.datepick').datetimepicker({dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd'});}"
)))); ?>

Create Link using Yii Syntax

<?php echo CHtml::link("Delete","javascript:void(0)",array('class'=>'blue','onclick'=>'deletemessage('.$data["id"].')') ); ?>
CHtml::link() method
<?php echo CHtml::link('Link Text',array('controller/action')); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::link('Link Text',
    'param3'=>'value3')); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::link('Link Text',
     'param1'=>'value1'), array('target'=>'_blank'); ?>
Different Module :
<?php echo CHtml::link('Link Text',array('/module-id/controller/action')); ?>
Same Module :
<?php echo CHtml::link('Link Text',array('/{$this->module->id}/controller/action')); ?>
Linking to
<?php echo CHtml::link('Delete',"#", array("submit"=>array('delete', 'id'=>$data->ID), 'confirm' => 'Are you sure?')); ?>

Create URL

<?php echo CController::createUrl('messages/createmessage?id='.$id); ?>
<?php echo CController::createUrl('messages/createmessage',array('id'=>$id)); ?>

Grid update


Grid Status and Action(Insert/Delete)

 'name' => 'Status',
 'type' => 'raw',
 'value' => 'CHtml::tag("div",  array("style"=>"text-align: center;cursor:pointer" ,"onclick"=>"statuschange({$data["id"]})","class"=>"down-link","id" => "{$data["id"]}","href"=>"javascript:void(0);") ,
     CHtml::tag("img", array( "src" => UtilityHtml::getStatusImage(GxHtml::valueEx($data, \'status\'))))
 'htmlOptions' => array('width' => '50px')
 'name' => 'Action',
 'type' => 'raw',
 'value' => ' CHtml::tag("div",  array("style"=>"float: left; margin:5px; cursor:pointer" ,"onclick"=>"updateartist({$data["id"]})","id" => "{$data["id"]}","href"=>"javascript:void(0);") ,
        CHtml::tag("img", array( "src" => "' . Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/update.png"))
    ). CHtml::tag("div",  array("style"=>"float: left; margin:5px; cursor:pointer" ,"onclick"=>"deleteartist({$data["id"]})","id" => "{$data["id"]}","href"=>"javascript:void(0);") ,
        CHtml::tag("img", array( "src" => "' . Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/images/delete.png"))

jQuery Validation

<script type="text/javascript" vsrc="/redkey/js/jquery.validate.js"></script>
  rules: {
   "VenueManageEventfloor[rk_event_id]": "required",
                        "VenueManageEventfloor[start_date_time]": "required",
                        "VenueManageEventfloor[end_date_time]": "required"
  messages: {
   "VenueManageEventfloor[rk_event_id]": "Please Select Event name.",
                        "VenueManageEventfloor[start_date_time]": "Please Select Event Start date.",
                        "VenueManageEventfloor[end_date_time]": "Please Select Event date."
<?php echo $form->textField($model, 'change_price', array("class"=>"required number",'onkeypress' => 'return numbersonly(event)','value'=>$model->change_price)); ?>

Flash Message

$('#msg1').html('<div class=\"flash-success margin_r15\">Record save Successfully.</div>').fadeIn();
setTimeout( 'jQuery(\'#msg1\').fadeOut();',2000);

If Condition In Grid

  'name' => 'Event Name',
  'type' => 'raw',
  'value' => '($data["event_name"]!="")?CHtml::link
      $data["date_id"])):"No Event."',

CHtml::textField() Method

<?php echo CHtml::textField('Text', 'some value',
       'maxlength'=>100); ?>

List Data

CHtml::listData() method
     /*you can use here any find method you think
     proper to return your data from db*/
     $models = categories::model()->findAll();
     // format models resulting using listData 
     $list = CHtml::listData($models,
                'category_id', 'category_name'); 

CHtml::dropDownList() Method

<?php echo CHtml::dropDownList('listname', $select,
              array('M' => 'Male', 'F' => 'Female'),
              array('empty' => '(Select a gender)'));

Using Data From a Model Function

At model:
public function getGenderOptions(){
    return array('M' => 'Male', 'F' => 'Female');
At view:
<?php echo CHtml::dropDownList('listname', $select,
              array('empty' => '(Select a gender'));
Using data from db
// retrieve the models from db
$models = categories::model()->findAll(
                 array('order' => 'category_name'));
// format models as $key=>$value with listData
$list = CHtml::listData($models,
                'category_id', 'category_name');
<?php echo CHtml::dropDownList('categories', $category,
              array('empty' => '(Select a category'));

Reading Record

// find the first row satisfying the specified condition
// find the row with the specified primary key
// find the row with the specified attribute values
// find the first row using the specified SQL statement
// find all rows satisfying the specified condition
// find all rows with the specified primary keys
// find all rows with the specified attribute values
// find all rows using the specified SQL statement
// get the number of rows satisfying the specified condition
// get the number of rows using the specified SQL statement
// check if there is at least a row satisfying the specified condition

Updating Record

   $post->title='new post title';
   $post->save(); // save the change to database
// update the rows matching the specified condition
// update the rows matching the specified condition and primary key(s)
// update counter columns in the rows satisfying the specified conditions
Sql Query in Yii

$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = "t.*";
$criteria->join =   "";
$criteria->condition = "";
$criteria->group = "t.id";
$criteria->order = "t.id";
$criteria->limit = "10";
$resultSet = VenueEvent::model()->findAll($criteria);

If condition in YII & MySql

$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = "t.*,IF (t.rk_venue_id = ".$vid." and t.rk_venue_id= tu.venue_id and t.default_price_option='default',tu.table_price, t.other_price ) as price";
$criteria->join = ",rk_venue_default_price as tu";
$criteria->condition = "t.rk_venue_id = ".$vid;
$criteria->addCondition("t.rk_venue_id= tu.venue_id");
if(isset( $status) &amp;&amp; $status != "-1"){
    $criteria->addCondition('t.status="'.$status.'" ');
if(isset($keyword) &amp;&amp; !empty ($keyword))
    $criteria->addCondition('t.table_number LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" ');

Yii Interview Question